Associative Trails


A central repository for geographically-dispersed team to record contacts, appointments, documents and other information.

Collaboration was originally developed for our own use, as we didn't think that the current crop of commericially-available wiki software would meet our requirements.

Somewhere between a wiki and a CMS, Collaboration gives us a central repository to record all our contacts, appointments and documents. We're sure that other people will find it as useful as we do, and would love to deploy and extend it for a client.

Key functionality includes:

  • Multiple "Spaces" to keep projects separated
  • Hierarchical organisation of items
  • Automated calendar and contacts directory
  • The ability to comment and attach uploaded files to any item
  • Granular user privileges down to the item level
  • The ability to lock or hide items
  • Integration with third-party tools such as Delicious, Ta-da lists, Basecamp, etc.
Hierarchical organisation of content
Item view and interactions
Item editing
Granular user permissions
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